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Iwi Membership

Information on membership

Te Roroa maintains the Te Roroa tribal register. We must keep an up to date register in order to comply with our Trust Deed. This information is also essential so as to facilitate:
1. Voting for Marae Trustees
2. Voting for special resolutions
3. Day to day contact to update members on important events and opportunities.  

Membership of Te Roroa is defined by our deed and includes:

  • Individuals descended from one or more Te Roroa Tupuna including Manumanu 1 and Rangitauwawaro;

  • Individuals who are members of the groups of Te Roroa, Ngati Kawa, Ngati Whiu and Te Kuihi.


​If you prefer to register manually you can print this membership form and post to PO Box 6 Waimamaku 0446. 


Please note: Te Roroa tamariki can also be registered as members but only those who are 18 years of age or over may vote.

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