Te Iwi o Te Roroa
Te Rohe o Te Roroa
The Te Roroa rohe stretches along the north west coast from the Hokianga to Tokatoka maunga in the Kaipara, encompassing at its heart, Maunganui Bluff, Waipoua Forest and Kai Iwi Lakes.
Whenua Tūpuna
Our Tohu
The kaupapa of the Te Roroa tohu
The design acknowledges the brothers Manumamu and his teina Rangitauwawaro the founding tūpuna of the Te Roroa people. The mana of the brothers is affirmed by the two manaia within a circular/ disc form composed of three parts. The centre represents Te Korekore, the middle and outer parts represent respectively Te Po and Te Ao Marama. The manaia of the tūpuna sit within both the realms of Te Po and Te Ao Marama in recognition of their role in the past and present. Manaia are symbols expressing the mana and tapu of chieftainship. The circle/disc form is a symbol of wholeness, unity and regeneration, an aspirational imperative for the Iwi.
He tohu tūpuna,
He tohu rangatira hoki o Te Roroa
Ngā mihi me ngā whakaaronui, Manos Nathan -A treasured ancestral symbol of Te Roroa leadership